“The mission of the Christian in the world is a mission for all, a mission of service, which excludes no-one; it requires great generosity and particular the Gaze and heart turned heavenward to invoke the Lord’s help. There is so much need for Christians who bear witness to the Gospel with Joy in everyday life. The disciples, sent by Jesus, ‘RETURNED WITH JOY”. When we do this, our heart fills with Joy.”(Pope Francis)

23rd October 2022 was a Mission Sunday, a great day to travel to Kochi for mission experience in Sneha Nilayam. Sneha Nilayam community has been a great community in the beginning of my formation. It has always given me good memories of how and what religious life should be.
As I set myself for mission experienced in this particular community flashes of memories came back to me also, I remember the members of communities with great respect who are not in this world. I missed them because they have been a great role model for me in those days of my postulancy.
First two days I was placed in school and it was nice to be there with new teachers’, new students, even

the atmosphere was different. Teachers more dedicated, compassionate, creative and loving towards children. I realized that now we don’t take children only active and capable but we are taking more sever challenged students. Which cause a lot. I enjoyed helping them in their activities and specially the way they were responding to that particular activity. I was very much touched by this particular student.
Last two days I was place with workshop children, “home science and computer class.” ‘O’ it was wonderful days where I helped and learn to make cake and be with them while they were cleaning the garlic. As I listen to them, I realize that how important to be special, it is something different the way they think, talk and the way they love and listen to one another. Even the computer class student shared what they are doing in a simple and understanding way. I was surprised to see and hear about the knowledge they have about the computer and the ability to handle it. As I was talking, we also recalled sr. Catherine and sr. Rosario. They remember them with grateful heart.
I also enjoyed visiting the families of our sisters and Migrant girls.
At the end of this mission, I was left with a question in my mind and heart. What is the future of this children? specially those who have no one to take care. What God is telling us? I was filled with question but I experienced the Joy of being with them.
I Thank Sr. Bindu and her Team for giving me this opportunity to have this Mission Experience and get disturb by it. But I have hope …
“I think this is the most wonderful experience we can have: to belong to a people walking, Journeying through history together with our Lord, who walks among us! We are not alone; we do not walk alone. We are part of the flock of Christ that walks together.”( Pope Francis)
Sr.Kitty Nigrel .aci

I’m grateful to the Region for giving me an opportunity to go back to our olden days to spend our few days with the school and workshop students. My experience in Kerala working in the school, workshop, and being with the communities was very good. I really enjoyed being with the special children helping, playing and being with them. The teachers were very kind and sensitive towards children. The students put up a beautiful program for us. We really enjoyed their lovely program. I appreciate Sr. Tincy who is very hardworking, sensitive and very pleasant. Even though she was extremely busy since Sr. Ayana was out of station we could approach her and with the smiling face she would explain to us. I really missed Srs. Catherine in the school and Rosario in the house. I had the opportunity to meet the migrants. I really enjoyed the Eucharist with them. They were very kind to welcome us with flowers. I remember my days in Rourkela. Both the communities were very generous and kind towards us. Thank you dear sisters both the communities and the students at Snehanilayam, for your love, care and generosity towards us.
Sr.Rosy Dsouza. aci

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting”. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

It was a long-awaited uncertain opportunity I can says since my holidays were not matching with others as I am a student and I do agree with Ralph Waldo that everything is a God given opportunity to see the beauty and His hand at work and finally I got a chance to go for the mission experience at Snehanilayam which was organized by the Region of India.
Two of us travelled from Mumbai on the 22nd of October and reached there on the 23rd Sunday. The community was very welcoming and cordial. That evening we did rest a while and were ready for the next morning.
As part of our mission, we also visited the Mulavuvkad land and Vypin community where we had a warm welcome. We attended the mass which was organized for the migrants and it was a lovely opportunity created by the sisters for them. Because of some interferences the number was much less comparatively with what we had seen earlier in the photos. But overall, it was a good job done by the sisters.

The following morning, I was so happy to see the children and the staff. There was a floral welcome by the staff and the children. It took me back to my formation days, 23 years back memories were surfacing… the kids who were very small have grown and are in workshop doing their best with a broad smile.
I was placed in the workshop so that I could try my best by giving the finishing touch for the wood work which was part of the carpentry section. Every child and the atmosphere were reminding me about the past, the work that we did as formees and specially our sisters who came to India as a Missionaries, I sensed the presence of Srs. Catharine and Rosario all over, felt a deep sense of gratitude and admiration towards them. I did enjoy being in the carpentry section. I say the sisters giving their best for this particular mission of caring the special kids.

We also had a protest against drugs and I became very emotional looking at the innocent children holding the placard and I really felt those who see this innocent child should try working towered drug addiction and abuse.
I found the teacher are much committed comparatively to olden days when we were there, there is lot of creativity and lot more activities in the school.
We also visited some of our sister’s family and the clergy home where we met the know priest and the family members. At the end the students of Snehanilayam School and workshop organised a cultural program for us to thank us for being with them. I really appreciated their gesture of simplicity and love.

We were five of us and it was a good experience to be with the community and the apostolate that they carry out over there. It a moment to refresh the memories of the past and thank God for the present. I am grateful to both the communities of Vypin and Snehanilayam for making us to feel at home and taking care of us. I am grateful to the Region and to Sr. Bindu for organizing this Mission experience as the Region celebrated 25 years and I look towards the future that the Lord will bless us with vocations and vision to carry out His plan.
Suvarna Fernandes ACI
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” Maya Angelou

Yes this was my experience with the special children during the experience in Kochin and calls me to thrive, live with passion, compassion, humor and some style. When I heard that I am going to Kerala for mission Experience I was wondering what type of mission experience it could be as I had lived during my early formation time.

But this experience was to deepen my vocation as we were with our special children. After so many years as I was again in Snehanilayam school and the work shop reminded about our old sisters Catherine, Theresa and Rosario. Who have given their life for this mission in Snehanilayam for the special children. I felt their spirit and calling me to be committed and life giver in our mission which we are called.
After being with the children and interacting with them I felt that I need to be person of simplicity, gentleness, humility, live in union, caring and sharing. Their dealings one another, their gentle talk, care concern.
Teachers’ patience, their self giving, dedication touched me a lot. I could also see the difference between the old teachers and the new teachers, so we need to encourage the teachers and appreciate their dedication and values.

We were welcomed on the first day and the last day they put up a beautiful programe with full of joy and enthusiasm. They also expressed their gratitude to each one of us by giving a card and small key chain which is prepared by them.
We were also taken to vyppin where we work with the migrants. We were Happy to meet them and to celebrate the Eucharist together with them. We also had a small programe where they welcomed us with song and the flowers. We gave them a message on the importance of the day i.e. Diwali and its significant also as Christians we are called to be the light of Christ where ever we are.
I was happy to see the hostel so many girls. It is a new apostolate and where young people can be accompanied.
I take this opportunity to thank our Sr. Bindu the Regional superior who gave us this opportunity to renew me from with through these little ones. I am also grateful to our Snehanilayam sisters Mary, Alice, Tincy and Ayana who prepared us this experience and gave us their best. I conclude my experience

by thanking God Almighty who gives us the opportunities and the grace; also ask Him to bless each one of us with His grace to continue His mission with Enthusiasm and Love which He has entrusted to us.
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance”. – Eckhart Tolle
Monti Rodrigues.aci

My mission experience in Snehanilayam community. It was a beautiful experience. As Pope said in video message to the pontifical Mission Societies Prayer is the first Missionary Work. And each day the mission began with the prayer. I was one week in the workshop. And first time I did the polishing and normal painting. But I enjoyed and learn new things. And Sr. Tincy she is very kind to direct and teach whenever I asked my doubt. And three days I was in the school I enjoyed with them. They are very friendly specially girls. Every day they use to call me by name really it touched me how they remember. And I noticed that some of them are very friendly, loving, helping and caring for each other and talented.
I enjoyed seeing some of the boys are very good in playing the drum very well they play. And we visited the Mulavuvkad and Vypin community and we had Hindi mass organized for the migrant. And after the
mass we interacted with them they welcomed us with flowers. And we visited our sister’s families close by and I felt happy to visit them. Though we are from different places but I felt we are like one family. We were five of us and I enjoyed with my companions.

I am grateful to God for giving me the 0portunity to have a different experience. I thank Sr. Bindu and her teams for arranging the mission experience in different community. And I thank both of the communities
Snehanilayam and Vypin communities for their hospitality and availability.
Margaret Soreng.aci