Our Mission

 Our Mission is Reparation to the heart of Jesus– which means our return of love to Christ by communion with Him in His redeeming mystery ever renewed in the Eucharist. We follow Ignatian Spirituality which gives its own characteristic way of living out its Charism. We want to cooperate with Jesus Christ, through Him and in Him, to reconcile people with one another and with God and to strive that all creation, given to mankind for its use, may reflect God’s glory.

  • Our Mission centered on the celebration of the Eucharist.
  • The Eucharist, memorial of our redemption brings out the merciful, redeeming transformation of the world in the human heart.
  • It is the source of grace and summit of all the Church’s activity, revelation of boundless love and banquet of fraternal communion.

Hence the Institute holds at the heart of its own life and mission – the Eucharist celebration.

  • In our Institute the grace of celebration is prolonged by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

What is specific of our Congregation with our apostolic activities?

  • Each community maintains exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for a prolonged period of time, as a sign of the Institute’s dedication to the Eucharist, and to provide other people with an opportunity for prayerful encounter with Our Lord.
  • Each Handmaid dedicates one hour each day to adoration as a special time for expressing the thanksgiving of her whole life; thus sharing the community’s commitment to public worship.
  • Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is also prolonged during some nights of the year; on other evenings there is an hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament reserved, according to circumstances of each community.

By these signs the Institute expresses the sense of continuity that Eucharist worship has for us. When we adore Christ, the Lord of our time, we unite ourselves to his eternal oblation to the Father, and we learn from him how to give our lives for our brothers and sisters.

REPAration IS…



Knowing oneself reached by Love and feeling the inescapable need to “return” it.


Feeling overwhelmed,

gifted by this LOVE that we can only be the channel of this excess of love.


Looking with hope at what has been destroyed,

feeling that we are instruments in the task of reconstruction.

Seek the deepest gaps in our world and enter them

feel attracted by the pain of the wounds and want to heal them

make ourselves sensitive to the cry of the devastated earth and commit ourselves to its care.


Being next to the one who suffers, letting ourselves be affected by his pain and accompanying him until we also suffer with him.


Gather what is dispersed, bring together what was separated,

unite what is disintegrating and lead everything to the Heart.


Open a space for forgiveness,

create bridges,

restore relationships,

work for justice and peace.
