The Regional Congregation of the Region of India began on the 14th of August, Prior to it as a preparation we had a day of recollection on the 13th. All the participant arrived at Dilkhush, Mumbai by 12th evening. We h
ad Fr. Salvaratanam SJ the President of JDV who came from Pune. He guided us to get into prayerful mood.
On the 14th Morning we began with Eucharistic Celebration celebrated by Bishop Savio Fernandes, the Auxiliary Bishop of Mumbai. The Juniors and the candidates led us with a dance to the entrance procession.
At 9a.m we the participant along with Sr. Margaret Durom our Regional superior had the procession with the statue of St. Raphaela Mary to the hall where we were going to have the Regional congregation and as we walked we sang a hymn to the Holy Spirit. Everything was well set with a prayerful atmosphere.
Thus we started our Regional Congregation. Every day we had different priests to celebrate the Eucharist. The adorations were very creative based mostly on the theme.
All the discussion got over by 19th noon and we concluded the Regional Congregation with a Te deum. Then we had an official closing ceremony by having a pilgrimage to Mount Mary Basilica on the 21st. Were Bp. John Rodrigues the Auxiliary Bishop of Mumbai celebrated the Eucharist for us. As there was the door of indulgence, Bishop led us into Mercy prayer and we entered the Mercy door with a procession followed by the Eucharistic celebration. These days of coming together were an experience of Prayer and grace. We really felt that the Lord was with us all through.