I really had an enriching l and fruitful 5days mission experience in Roha. First of all, I want to thank God and the Region- Sr. Bindu for giving me this opportunity. I really enjoyed and marvelled the way our mission has grown in Roha. I was very happy to see the development has taken place in the hostel children, play school, youth, villages, parish etc. My memory went back to the first days in Roha-Gupta Chall. How Roha was that time and how much it has developed now in all the areas. The last day of the mission experience, Gospel reading was of the kingdom of God is like the mustard seed which grew and gave shelter to the birds,

I felt just like that, Roha mission also has grown and gave life to the children, social workers, teachers, village people, youth and the parish. I felt the Kingdom of God is here and now which Jesus is speaking about. I appreciate very much all the sisters who had been part of the growth of Roha mission. I was touched by the way village people welcomed us and so neatly they live with little they have. They are so grateful for all that sisters are doing for them. Even though I was there only one day of Disha program, I was impressed by the way Rohith shared his experience when he was sick which was a great motivation for all the youth.

I thank the Roha community for their dedication, team work, support to help each other in their mission and welcoming attitude who ever come to the house. Also accommodating everyone in spite of limited space. I pray that God may bless each one of them with good health and all their mission, to spread the kingdom of God and bring many people closer to God. I really hold a beautiful experience in my heart.
(Sr.Lizzie .aci)

There is nothing so easy to learn as experience and nothing so hard to apply. It gives me a great joy and happiness to share about my mission experience at Roha. I was privileged to attend and participate in the 5th DISHA program. There were many resource persons who guided our adolescences about many things which in turn were helpful for me for my personal life as a religious. I was motivated by both the youth and the resource persons, especially how to cope up in life and when there are challenges in my life, how to face them. Through the inter-play therapy, I could feel and experience the inner freedom and got in touch with myself. I even spent some time with the children and women in the villages.

I thank the Lord for the Snehavardhini community. Our dear sisters Aleena, Pearly, Prisca, Carmelita and Aruna, their community spirit , importance of prayer life, love for the mission, hard work of each members, self-giving, welcoming attitude all those who come to this house. It inspired me to be more welcoming; mission oriented and enhanced the love for my vocation as Handmaids. People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously, this is how character is built. Now, I too believe in this firmly.
(Sr. Dorethi Dabre Aci)