I am grateful to God for the wonderful experiences I had in those 5 days when I was in Roha. Thanks to our Region and to Sr. Bindu for this opportunity. I was truly excited to know that I had to go to Roha for the mission experience and I was waiting for that day. From the time I joined as a candidate, I have heard about the Roha mission from Sr. Pearly. A lot from her experiences especially of Bhuvaneswar village. Then some more I have received from Sr. Monica as well during my postulantship. All these have added to my excitement to go there. Thanks to all sisters who have geared me up for this visit.
My experience was truly wonderful with a variety of visits and interactions. It was filled with visit to play school at their Diwali party, interactions with hostelites, visits to the villages and parishioners and the ACI members. More colours and lights were added to this trip since it was the Diwali season! The very first day itself we were welcomed by the hostel girls. I was happy that I could contribute to them by sharing a little bit of English class on the following day. What has surprised me is that all of them are eager to know new things and very receptive. They are very capable and talented, which they showed in their cultural program at the Diwali party. Whatever I have heard earlier about the education among the tribals, I see great achievement in this area. Our sisters’ efforts are truly commendable.

On the 2nd day afternoon was planned the visit to “Bhuvaneswar”; one of the village I was waiting to visit. It was planned for 3 pm and the pouring rain and thunder started there from 2.55 pm. Once I felt bad at not getting to visit there. But thanks to Sr. Carmelita who made the arrangements fast and to Sr. Aruna for the courage to take us there even in that rain. That trip in the scooters was amazing! And reaching that village, we hardly saw any elders there. The people who were there came out after the rain, and Sita-Gita (hostel girls) were also found there. I was so excited with the rainbow which appeared there. I consider it as something special for us there. That evening we were blessed with the visit of Mother Mary’s statue in our convent.
The following day was fully dedicated for the village visits. Morning Sr. Pearly took us to visit “Killa” village. We met many children there and all were happy to see us as well. They were very enthusiastic and energetic when we asked them to perform before everyone. I could also notice the positive influences our hostel girls make among their peer group in their villages. I am sure that they become a model for others when they go back to their villages.
Evening we could visit the “Palebudruk” village where we saw the results of our livelihood project. The villagers are very grateful to us for this initiative. The elderly ladies there shared with us how they lived before and how life has changed now. The generation gap was very visible there. What Sr. Lizzie said it is true I felt; that after a couple of decades, the whole tribal culture will see a great shift!
On Sunday, we could see our parishioners during the Holy Mass. I was thanking God on that day for allowing me to be in a Mission centre on a Mission Day! Evening we visited the houses of our parishioners. I was taken up by their warmth and affection in welcoming us. I felt their closeness to our sisters while they remembered our pioneer sisters at the mission there.
On Monday we visited the other three villages. Everywhere I could experience the hospitality of the villagers. One experience which touched me was during the visit to “Sanegauv”. While waiting for our hostel girls, Swati and myself went ahead to the house where many children were playing. When we reached their home, they all went inside and were quiet. We thought they all got frightened of us. But we found them inside the house, sitting in a line very well, keeping two chairs for us near them! Very spontaneous and they were ready to interact with us. We shared the things which we bought for them and all of them enjoyed it with much gratitude. One old lady who was in that house joined her hands when I gave her some sweets then. I was touched by this gesture.
I remembered all our sisters who worked very hard at our Roha mission, especially the beginners who had taken so much pain and struggles, to bring up our mission to this present state. Strong foundation was built at that time itself and thus we see our mission is flourishing now providing great support and help to the poor and needy.

What I take from all these experiences are, the visible signs of God’s continuous work through our mission and the positive changes in the lives of the tribals. I really appreciate the many helping hands and the tireless contributions of our social workers and the teachers too. Their collaboration is truly remarkable. I cannot forget the simple and smiling faces of the people in the villages and of course the beautiful nature of Roha!
I thank the Lord for all His blessing upon our mission there and pray to Him that He may continue to strengthen our works and allow many good things to happen through us. I thank Sr. Aleena and each one of the sisters in the Roha community for arranging a variety of experiences for us and accompanying us in the visits.
Ayana Mathew.aci