Do not be afraid! LOOK IN TO HIS EYES!

dixyLiving of consecration is a  challenge, but totally the GRACE of my LOVING GOD and at the same time my loving surrender to His passionate love! It is totally a FREE GIFT of God in unconditional LOVE, yet a whole hearted receiving of this beautiful, fragile gift. The time when I am in front of the Blessed Sacrament wholeheartedly; the time I lived in the presence of our founder sisters of India; the time of my Tertainship where I experienced the universal sisterhood of my vocation; the silent, tender yet strong transmittance of peace of Sr. Inmaculada in the midst of all busy schedule; the opportunity to visit St. Raphaela Mary’s living memories at her place and in Rome .

The two year period after my junior ate where I was a class teacher of special children at Dilkhush. It was a time of experiencing the great love through the love of His “little ones” it was a time where I learned to touch their lives and allowing them to touch me with their small actions of great love. You have touched me and I have grown – our Logo is a meaningful experience of that period.

Receive the gift wholeheartedly when He gives His passionate love for you. Hold His hands and walk with Him alone as He is faithful one in our infidelities. He will lead you to the promise land through the “RED SEA” as well as the desert experience? Do not be afraid. LOOK IN TO HIS EYES!

Happy Birthday Sr.Dixy ( 25th May)