Corpus Christi Toddler Group

Our Toddler Group runs every Wednesday during term-time in Corpus Christi Parish Hall from 10 – 11.30am.

It is a voluntary run group which now has a core team, plus a wider team; who attend on a weekly or rota basis, offering their time and talents.

Our Toddling team not only helps with the practical realities of running the group, but also provide an invaluable listening ear to the many who attend the group, and to one another. Srs Jo and Janet  provide a listening spiritual ear and voice,  as well as providing practical help each week.

The Group has grown in the last couple of years and now reaches in excess of 20 children each week.

With all monies from the group (we ask for £2 donation per family) going back into the group, we have been able to purchase new resources and toys which all the children and their parents have benefitted from.


The morning routine is the same each week. We have a free play session with the different toys and activities put out in the hall on a rotational basis, a craft table (usually with a theme or to celebrate a particular holiday or event such as Mother’s Day, or a learning point for the children) followed by a healthy snack time and song-time to finish.

We always begin our snack-time with a thank you prayer. The children and parents know it well and do the actions too!

We enjoy celebrating many of the festivals throughout the calendar year. Christmas and Easter parties are enjoyed by all! We also have a Summer outing to a park or farm, for example.

In summary, this group is wonderful to be a part of and to see it thriving, is great!

It is a real community group where the sum of its parts make up a beautiful whole!

We thank Fr Adrian and the Parish of Corpus Christi for providing us with the hall and giving the group the support it needs to keep on growing.


Sr.Janet Andrade.aci