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Sensory Integration Room and New Computer Lab at Snehanilayam

A newweb1 sensory Integration room was set up in Snehanilayam special school with the help of COCHIN ROUND TABLE ASSOCIATION. “It was a long awaited dream! It is a great help for all our students, in a special way for children with Autism, to help their attention deficit- hyperactivity issues.The training is going on well, Results are also very good” ; says Principal Sr.Dixy.web




com  Mr. C. J. George, the Managing Director of GEOJITH BNP PARIBAS, a leading retail financial company in India, inaugurated a new computer lab for our children on 19th August, 2015. They gave the financial assistance to set up the computer lab. The classes are going on well and the children are very excited to learn the computer. Thanks to all our benefactors for their support and generosity. May God Bless Them!!!  IMG_6803

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Silver Jubilee of Snehavardhini – Roha.

1(1)The long awaited day had arrived as we celebrated the silver jubilee of “Snehavardhini” on 2nd October 2015. The name of our house which means stream of love is reflected in its faith, love, service and education as a process of awakening individual potential to creative knowledge inculcating in them the desire to excel in various spheres. The completion of twenty-five years was indeed a major milestone in the life of our Congregation here in Roha. Really it was a grace filled celebration where many witnessed including many sisters who are working for Raigad mission. Bishop Agnelo Gracias was the main celebrant along with 11 priests who con celebrated the mass. It was our joy to have Fr. Fred Sopena Sj who is the pioneer of this mission. The Eucharistic celebration began with an entrance procession and the dance captured the spirit of the day, the joy rippling through the liturgy and drawing us across the threshold of ordinariness to a place of Jubilee. In the introduction it was mentioned about the grace of God at work. The backdrop which mentioned “Thank You Lord” and the decorations expressed the gratitude of the sisters for accompanying and guiding them in these past 25 years. Even though we are like fragile pots, with our weaknesses and human shortcomings, but containing treasure far beyond our wildest imaginations. The invitation was for us to continue to be Co–Creators in God’s work. The reading was from Isaiah chapter 61 where we are reminded that the Spirit of the Lord has been given to us, that we are anointed and sent out in its power. It is a spirit of action, inviting us to bring Good News to the poor, healing broken hearts, announcing Liberty to captives, freedom to prisoners and comfort to all who mourn, and the gospel was from sending the apostles for a 2(1)mission where we too as Handmaids of the Sacred Heart are called and send by the Lord where our entire possession is the grace of God and our faith in Him. 

The Jubilee celebration was a moment to recall all the good that the Lord has done for us in these past 25 years, we felt that we are celebrating the love of God visibly at work among us. It made us to look back with gratitude to God for the numerous blessings, for the people who journeyed with us, supported us, and inspired us and many who still continue to do so. We felt that this celebration was an act of faith. The choir was so melodious it filled the church with a prayerful atmosphere and our non Christians neighbors played the different instruments. After the communion there was a thanksgiving dance performed by our hostel students. We felt that through this dance we the Handmaids at Roha and along with us all the people thanked the Lord for the wonders that He has done for each one of us and at large to the People of God.
After the mass there was a short documentary on the achievement of our work in this past 25 years. During this time some refreshments were distributed to the people. Then there was felicitation done to all the dignitaries and significant people who have played an important role in the life and mission of Snehavardhini community. The celebration ended with a sumptuous meal where everyone returned home happily parsing God and thanking Him for the gift of Handmaids in Roha.     Suvarna Fernandes aci



Thank you Lord!!!

Picture1Thank  you Lord!!!   On  6th October, 2015, We the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus celebrate the 47th Anniversary of our presence in India  and the 18th Anniversary of the Region of India.

Thanks to the first handmaids – Srs. Josefa Queralt, Maria Dolores, Catherine Hanley and Celia Garcia. – who arrived in India on the 6th October, 1968.

They were invited by Fr. Angel Solagran s.j. who was the Director of St. Xaviers Institute of Education.

He conducted a study on how children with special educational needs were being cared for. Fr. Solagran found that very little was being done and that there was only one Special School in India- in Sewri. This school was being run by Ms. Vakeel who herself had an intellectually handicapped child, and was in need of trained persons.

Once invited the HANDMAIDS readied themselves in Ireland, and they came to India to work with handicapped children.

After having helped Ms. Vakeel for a few years, they set off to JUHU to begin DILKHUSH SPECIAL SCHOOL.

We are grateful to you all dear sisters for your generosity, hard work  and the missionary spirit. Thank you for sowing the  spirit of Reparation in India.

Thanks a million!!


Hearty Congratulations!

DSCN2123  We celebrated 25 years of our presence in Roha on 2nd October, 2015.

You can read the messages sent by Srs.Josephina Llach,  Audry Andrade and Noella Periera      on  this occasion.

“What a beautiful celebration, these 25 years of sharing, of learning to know each other and of mutual enrichment. The merciful Lord has been building in you all and between you something really big. Through the humble love of each one many are enjoying a better life, a dignified existence and in a special way a large hope. It would have been more than wonderful to be there physically sharing with you. But in the meantime HAPPY FEAST DAY for you all. May the Lord continue his work through your work, his joy through your joy. I assure you that lots of blessings and good energy will be arriving there from Argentina. Lots lots lots of love and beautiful memories”.  Josefina Llach aci

“It is indeed with a sense of pride and pleasure I join you in celebrating the silver Jubliee of SnehavardiniRoha. How I wish I could be present with you not only in spirit but also in person. However I will have you all in my thoughts and prayers today.
As I walk down memory lane with you, I look at the past with a sense of gratitude to God for accompanying us on our journey these past 25 years that have been years of grace.
As the first superior of our community in Roha, along with the first members of the community, Kochurani, Kochuthressia, and Philo, faced a twofold challenge before us, the challenge of a new ministry that we as a congregation in India, were entering into and the challenge of an inserted community of responding to this new mission.
As I recall history, it is a moment to recognize the openness to the spirit, the courage of conviction and commitment to what we believed and lived that has borne fruit, grown and developed as it is to its present times.
‘ Snehavarhini ‘ house of love’ was a response of love and in love. The years lived in Roha were memorable days, that were filled with happinessand joy coupled with adventure that brought wonder and awe into our lives.We had our moments of disappointments, disillusion and discouragement too that often dampened our spirits but those moments only motivated us to work harder towards our commitment to Roha Mission. There was always a sunrise and a light at the end of the tunnel and with Divine Providence we were motivated to move on.
I recall with gratitude too and cannot forget the love, help, support and encouragement ofsome people who contributed and played a great role in making things happen for us in Roha. To mention in particular, Fr. Sopena, Mr. Bardeskar and others of the local community in Roha.
And so as we celebrate the silver jubilee of our foundation, may the same spirit move us on calling us to a greater creativity to continue to meet the pressing needs of our people in Roha.
We thank the Lord for these 25 years of grace and look forward with faith and hope to continue His mission with love in the spirit of Sr. Raphaela. I wish Sr. Janet and the present community heartfelt congratulations and the courage to move on. My love to all”. Audry Andrade aci

“On this wonderful day, I wish to thank my God for all the wonders he has worked in and through each one who has in some way or another been a part of this Dream Project of the Lord.
The success of our work in Roha as with apostolate anywhere in the world has no real success unless we lets God’s love flood our lives and go out through us to his people our people.
That was the message he gave us symbolically when we left for Roha it rained and rained and flooded the earth.
So too in our work there often everything we work for comes to nothing, but that is only the Lord showing us that we are not the ones doing the work we are mere instruments, he is the Boss.
I thank the Lord for being so much a part of our work , I salute all those who have gone before us who like Mary had to renew their ‘YES’ even when things seemed impossible.
And in a special way I pray for all the people we serve. Their life is full of hardships, failures, and small pleasures that disappear with the Morning sun. So I earnestly pray that their sorrow may be turned into Joy.
I pray for you who continue to work with them that you may be the instruments to fulfil Tagore’s dream for all the people of India,”
‘Where the mind is without fear and the head held high; Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by Thee into ever-widening thought and action;
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.’Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)
Noella Pereira aci


News from Roha

Independence day: CelPicture 030ebrating the 69th Independence Day at the School and in the Parish with great joPicture 018y,    radiant    colors, beautiful flowers and the ambientation  was very meaningful.  The homily was very powerful which blended with the triune colors and the qualities of Mary.  We also reflected the different evils of the society from which we all want be freedom. ( Sr.Suvarna Fernandes aci.) Picnic with Hostel children:     On 16th August 2015, the sisters along with the Hostel children went for the water fall, picnic to shanvai. It was a refreshing and rejuvenating experience , even the tiny one’s enjoyed to the full. The nature helped us to reflect the creation of God which speaks volumes of his love for his creatures. Picture 046 Picture 139         On 18th August 2015 inter-hostel seminar  was organized  at Amar Deep Hostel at Mangaon.  Aruna the novice , Janet and 12 students from Snehaverdhini hostel participated.  Together we were 130 students from five hostels.  The students had games,interactions, action songs and group activity. The topic on media and its impact was discussed with them. The students had a wonderful time together, they enjoyed meeting their old friends and we ended with a delicious lunch.   DSCN1180DSCN1111DSCN1097

CRECE – 2015

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Crece 2015 began in Rome on the 6th July and finished on the 6th August, 2015.  There were 29 participants from 12 countries. Five  sisters  from the Region of India – Sr.Janet Andrade, Sr.Aleena Rodrigues, Sr.Celine Joseph, Sr.Mary Mulloor and Sr.Prisca D’souza –  participated in this renewal program and they have come back with full of vigour  and zeal. Let us see what they have to share with us.



“We were warmly welcomed by sr. Inmaculada Fukasawa, the assistants and the community. It has been a grace to have this encounter in Rome, the heart of the Church, close to St. Raphaela Mary and contact with the General Government. We were able to meet our fellow Tertians and many handmaids,  we were 29 handmaids. It has been a Joy for renewing our commitment, deepening on our identity and belonging to the handmaids family which is a body for mission. After supper, from each continent presented significant apostolic work in the places where they come from. This helped us to get to know the life and mission of the different communities, and we enjoy learning about our diversity.  I thank God for the giving me this opportunity and for all the experiences and I ask the lord to give me his love and grace to live the joy of my vocation”. – Sr.Janet Andrade aci.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


“The sentiment that is alive within me after the experience of  CRECE  is thanksgiving. I want to thank my community in Cochi and the Region for giving me this possibility to go for CRECE.  I especially thank Sr. Inmaculada and her Team, the curia community and of Torricella and all the sisters who accompanied us through their prayers.   CRECE in this year of consecrated life has been a great blessing, of grace and of Kairos. This time personally for me a time of encounter with myself, with God and with the Institute. It helped me to rediscover God in my activities as well as my passivities, and renew my  “Yes, I desire it at all cost”.  He invites me to Remain in Him, in His embrace.  He is my Hope and calls me for an intimate Love. Thank you Lord, you are my light in my darkness”.- Sr.Aleena Rodrigues aci .


“Crece 2015 was really an invitation for me to pause, to listen and to walk with the Lord.  My heart is full of joy and gratitude to Him and to the Institute for calling me and loving me as I am.  I am renewed with a deep desire to leave myself into His hands with full of confidence and trust. My prayer is that as I walk ahead I may able to able to continue to listen to His silent steps. Continue to give me your Grace and your love that is enough for me”.- Sr. Mary Mulloor aci.

 “I CIMG4378felt I went to Crece completely empty. But the Lord was waiting for me to fill my heart with  His love. I experienced his presence each moment. I feel like the Samaritan woman, she went  with an empty jar  and  returned after meeting Jesus without the  jar and  water, but with a  thirst which she  never had  before. I  have a great desire to live my consecration with passion. I felt I am  liberated  from all  my past wounds  and  the Lord is calling me to walk closely with Him”.   – Sr.Celine Joseph.aci

“It has been a grace to have this encounter in Rome close to the heart of the church, close to St. Raphaela Mary and in the midst of the of the general team. It has been a deep experience of universality, meeting our fellow tertians and many other handmaids from twelve  different countries  and also it has been a joy for renewing my commitment, deepening of our identity and belonging to the handmaid family, which is a body for mission. Each Province presented their work and mission and it helped me to know the apostolates better. I thank the Lord for this opportunity and I ask the to give me the grace to live this deep experience in my day to day life and mission”.- Sr.Prisca D’souza aci

Spanish Visitors in India!!!

IMG-20150802-WA0030 The Spanish students –  Maria del Mar, Raquel, Diego and Iganacio – arrived at Dilkhush,   Mumbai on the 28th of July along with Sister Lola Canete. The postulants DSC_0019welcomed them in Indian style with aarati and Kukum . They will be in India for a month.  They visited the school, creche and workshop. Each of them is  placed in the classes and they are enjoying teaching and playing with the children. They participate in all the activities of the community. They go for daily mass and attend the community prayers and make their adoration along with us.DSC_0250 They had a memorable day on 2nd August with the Sunday school children of Xth standard   at St.Joseph’s church, Juhu.  They tied friendship bands to each other and shared about their view on   friendship.  Both the groups enjoyed the interaction and were happy to make new friendship with each other.  During their stay in India they will also visit our other convents in Kochi, Vyppin and Roha. We wish them all the best and pray that they may have a profound experience of our mission and culture in India.   DSC_0026DSC_0091DSC_0139

short term course at Dilkhush TTC

IMG-20150713-WA0006         Dilkhush TTC, Juhu, Mumbai   announces a SHORT TERM COURSE ON “DISABILITIES AND RESOURCE TEACHING” Duration: 3 months. Only on Saturdays Hours of Instruction: 36 hours Objectives of the Course:  Gain information on disabilities like Intellectual disability, Autism and Learning disability, its characteristics and management  Learn about the different teaching strategies and techniques to assist children with special needs in an inclusive set-up  Acquire the knowledge and skills in relation to behavior problems and its management.  Obtain hands-on training and practice sessions in learning and preparing teaching learning material and educational aids for teaching children with special needs Scope of the Course: After successful completion of the course one can be employed in the following job opportunities  As Remedial Teachers in Normal schools  Shadow teachers  Tutors for children with special needs Last date for Registration: 31st July,2015. Course begins from: 8th August, 2015. For further details Contact: 9702317543/7045007079

The Regional Annual Meeting-2015

The Regional Annual Meeting-2015


How nice to be together once again! The Sisters of the Region gathered together at Dilkhush Convent for their Annual Encounter-2015 on 15th May. The day began with a prayer at 7 am followed by the inaugural function. The resource person for the day was online casino Fr. Keith SJ to give session on Consecrated Life! We had the Eucharistic celebration at 12 pm and the Adoration in the evening!