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Srs. Inmaculada and Concesa along with Sr. Margret also found the time to meet the community, Aci family, the vocation girls and to visit our misión – Play school , the social centre and the Fisher folks who live in the costal area. The very next day -which was a Friday -we all went for the morning mass (a special mass and novena dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in our parish ). The sisters were really impressed seeing many people flocking towards Jesus with such ardent love and piety. We thank the Lord for the opportunity which we have got to unite ourselves to this universal body of the Institute.”
” Remain in my Love” – Sr. Dorethy Dabre from Rome!!!
“Experience of month’s Retreat”
My month’s Retreat was the experience of God’s unconditional Love. I felt that the power of the Holy Spirit was guiding and leading me to come more close to God. I experienced the love of God through creation and learned to seek the presence of God in all things. I deepened the aspect of following Jesus radically. Christ’s passion death and the Resurrection helped me to pray and deepen my love for Jesus.
“Dios está conmigo,y yo estoy con Dios”.
The Silences and peace of Christ lead me to pray well and see that the Lord has lots of interest in my life, He is the one who is showing me the way which gives me joy and happiness to my Religious life. I was amazed to see the wonders of God, which the Lord is doing in my life. My month’s Retreat was deepening my call to follow Jesus passionately.
I place myself into your hands.
Do with me what you wish.
Whatever it be,
I give you thanks.
I am available for everything.
I accept it all,
As long as your will
Be accomplished in me
and in all creatures.
I desire nothing more, FATHER.
I trust you with my soul
I give it to you
With all the love of which I am capable.
Because I love you.
And I need to give myself
To place myself into your hands
With infinite trust
Because you are my FATHER.
This was my prayer and it helped me to come more close to God.
Finally, Take Lord received all my liberty, memory, understanding and entire will all that I have possess.
Give me your love and grace that is sufficient for me. Amen.

Juridical Renovation of Sr.Tincy
Sr.Tincy renewed her vows Juridically on the 8th December, 2015 during the Eucharistic celebration at Dilkhush Convent, Juhu. Fr.Jerome S.J. celebrated the Eucharist. Let us listen to the story of her consecration.
“I am set apart for God….”
When I think of my consecrated life, the first image come to my mind is that of the day of my first profession; where I could see that I was entering from the main entrance of the church to the altar. Deep within me the words were repeating like a mantra that I am for God. As I reached the altar and I offered myself to God while looking at the crucifix, which gave me inner strength to say,” YES”. Yes I am ready to do your will.
The conviction and experience that I belong to God gives me an inner strength, joy and happiness in all that I live and work. As I am set apart for God by offering my life as a consecrated person, I feel deep within me that I am called to live my life for God and for his people.That word of Yes freed me from and for God. As the days, months, year’s passes, My Yes gives me the conviction and motivation to face all that comes to my life. I could see the changes in my life, in my way of dealing and sharing with others and in all that I do.
I always experience God’s providence in my life. He has shown His love and support through many people. He helped me to complete all my tasks with peace and joy. I also enjoyed His presence in my struggles and in my strengths where I could feel that He is holding my hand which would give me confidence to face tomorrow and to live my present and to persevere in my consecration to Him.
My consecrated life welcomes me to the great church as His beloved. It is not only God who welcomes me, but also others as God’s chosen one. As I am set apart for God it has given me an opportunity to make the whole creation my home where I am welcomed, loved, cared and wanted as God’s favorite child. This deep experience also gives me the awareness of the demand of this being “set apart”- to be broken and shared just like the Eucharist which we celebrate every day – yes my call to be a paschal mystery!
Thank you Lord, for calling me to be the Handmaid of your heart and thank you St.Raphaela Mary for being my inspiration. Sr.Rosy Tincy.aci
Consecrated men and women are also called to true synergy with all other vocations in the Church, beginning with priests and the lay faithful, in order to spread the spirituality of communion, first of all in their internal life and then in the ecclesial community, and even beyond its boundaries”. (Evangelii Gaudium 87)
How to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life in the Region/in our communities? We discussed a lot and put concrete steps to respond to the calls that God is making us today, in two months time the year of Consecrated life will finish how do we feel? We had the occasion to write our experiences of Consecration in the last Regional Meeting, now we share with each other in order to thank the Lord for the gift of our vocation as Handmaids and to love and accept each other so as to work together as one Body in and for the Mission. As we look to the past with gratitude, should help us to live the present with Passion and a future with hope.
Going through the experiences one notice that what makes us happy and joyful is the simplicity of life, closeness to the poor & special children, Eucharistic Adoration. We all are grateful to the Lord for our vocation, grateful to the congregation who has been an instrument in moulding us the persons that we are; called by the same Lord for the same Mission. We have another Year of Mercy at our door to experience the Merciful Love of the Father and to be merciful to others.
As we share our experience of consecrated life, let us deepen our love for each other, let us open our doors for the new forms of consecrated life, may be living with all who are seekers of God as some of our Jesuits friends thinks and proposes.
“Consecrated life is a gift to the church, it is born of the church, it gown in the church, and it is entirely directed to the church.”
We received our vocation of Handmaids of the Sacred Hear of Jesus in the Church… We are the Church. We think with the church; we follow her teaching and guidance….” (Const. 11)
With Gratitude and Love. Margaret Durom aci
Visit to the school, workshop and Creche
Sr.Inmaculada and Sr.Concessa visited the school, workshop and Creche on the 27th November at 9.30. The Consul General of Japan in Mumbai Mr.Yoshiaki Ito was also invited on the same occasion. The children in the school and the Creche put up some cultural programme and they had their refreshments in the workshop.
The sisters from Roha, Pune Odisha and Mumbai had meeting with Sr.Inmaculada and Sr.concessa.
On 28th Evening we had a special adoration at Dilkhush community to welcome advent and to say “Thank You” to Sr.Inmaculada.
On 29th morning they left to Mangalore to visit the site of the Novitiate at Paldane. They had meeting with the parish priest, Bishop and the Architect.
The Visit of Sr.Inmaculada and Sr.Concessa
Our Superior General Sr.Inmaculada and the Assistant general Sr.Concessa arrived Dilkhush Convent Mumbai on 24 November. The postulants welcomed them in Indian traditional way with Aarti, Kukum and garland. The members from the communities of Roha, Pune and Odisha were present.
25th November: We began the day with the Eucharistic Celebration by Fr.Errol Fernandes S.J
At 9 a.m, Sr.Inmaculada gave a talk on “THE MISSION AND SERVICE OF CONSECRATED PERSONS WITNESS OF DIVINE MERCY”. It was very inspiring and she urged us to go deeper into this mystery of Mercy of God and pass through the door of Mercy along with Mary, allowing ourselves to be embraced by the Mercy of God and receiving the mission of being Mercy.. She suggested us to organize the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation at the community level or at the Regional level.
Evening she had a meeting with ACI family members. After that, we had shared adoration with the Aci members and the Roha community prepared it.
After dinner, we had a wonderful cultural programme by Juniors, Postulants and the Pune community. All of us enjoyed very much.
Certificate Course on Disabilities and Remedial Teaching
“Parents are the Best Therapists!” This was one of the beautiful messages that came through very strongly at the evaluation of the course at Dilkhush Teachers’ Training Centre. The Certificate course, began with a total of 11 participants, predominantly parents of children with special needs and a few who were inclined in learning and helping persons with disabilities. The duration of the course was 12 Saturdays i.e. 36 hours of instruction, with lectures from renowned specialists in the field of the special education. Some of the topics covered were understanding the concept of
disability, its physiological aspects as well current trends like Inclusive education. Other related topics covered were early intervention, and therapeutic intervention, teaching methodology for children with intellectual disability, learning disability and autism, behaviour modification techniques and basic counselling skills. There were also special workshops on art based therapy and interplay to help introduce the participants to various forms of intervention for persons with special needs, and to provide a healthy platform for self-expression, relaxation and understanding oneself on a deeper, spiritual level.
The participants attended every session with enthusiasm and the will to learn and understand various aspects pertaining to persons with special needs. This spirit of curiosity and passion helped enrich each session allowing speakers to happily disclose additional information on the topic based on the needs of the participants. The final session that involved the Evaluation of the course where participants were asked to choose a topic of their interest and make a presentation before the class.
The presentations made were truly unique and insightful. Each participant stood in front of the class and made presentations like they were the experts on the topics that they selected. The stories of their lives in connection to the theoretical aspects of the subject chosen,were told with emotion, truth and simplicity, which left everyone in the room teary-eyed to see their struggle but proud and inspired to see the strength and resilience that shown through their lives and their families.
All the participants were grateful to the team of faculty for initiating the course and requested that more courses like these are started to reach out and sensitize people.It was a proud moment for all the staff at Dilkhush Teachers’ Training Centre as the certificates of completion were distributed to all the participants, who accepted it with a sense of achievement, honour and happiness.
Mission Sunday
“On the 18th of October 2015 which was the World Mission Sunday Fr. Norbert D’souza the principal of Our Lady of Good Health School Sahar invited us to speak about our Roha mission to the parishioners during the masses. He also asked us whether our children could perform a dance. So on the 17th Sr. Kitty along with nine hostel students and me left to Mumbai by a private vehicle. The children danced for the entrance procession and Sr. Kitty and I spoke after the gospel reading for seven to ten minutes. We also had a power point presentation which explained about our work with the Kathkari tribe.
The youth of the parish prepared some chocolates and sold it to the parishioners and whatever money they collected they gave it for the mission. The parishioners were very kind and caring; we were so much taken up by their hospitality. They treated our children so well. Our children visited the catechism classes and some families. The parish Priest and the other priests in the parish too were very kind and each one of them had collected different things in kind and cash to give to us for the mission. Different people from the parish offered food, snacks, chocolates and drinks to our students. We felt it was a fruitful visit and I felt that it was a God given opportunity for us to speak about our congregation and about our Work at Roha” – Suvarna Fernandes aci.
Grandparents day celebration at Dilkhush
Grandparents’ day was celebrated at Dilkhush Special school on the 9th October 2015. Even though very few grandparents attended the program; it was a very heart warming
experience for all of us at Dilkhush. The grandparents went to the respective classes of their grand children. They were welcomed with a rose and a greeting card, which expressed the love and gratitude of the children. Some classes organized music and dance and the children explained to them what they do in the class. The grandparents visited the other classes along with their grandchildren. After that they were gathered in the hall and watched a video of the different activities of the school. Then tea and snacks were served. A small memento also was presented to each one.
Overall it was a great experience and the grandparents were overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. Most of them expressed their happiness for inviting them to the school and spending some precious time with their grandchildren in the school.
Community and Apostolic experience of Novice Aruna at Roha.
I am grateful to God and to the sisters of Roha community who gave me this opportunity to have my community experience at Snehavardhini Roha. It was really a beautiful experience in this community living the life and mission of the institute reaching out to the poor people of this area. I am happy because I experience love and care from each sister. I am very grateful to Srs. Janet, Kitty and Suvarna because they have helped me a lot to integrate my life, prayer and apostolic activities. I have learnt many good things from them.
It was a great joy for me to be with the hostel girls helping them in their studies teaching them Hindi and English. I enjoyed so much teaching the small ones. Being with them I came to know and understand them and slowly our relationship with each other grew. They felt free with me to share and I too felt free and could correct them nicely.. I have noticed that the children are interested in studies and can do well in the future.
I went for supervision of supplementary classes to different villages along with the sisters and the animators. It was a different experience for me . As I visited the villages, I felt sad to see their living conditions. Once I had gone for Bal sansad with our social worker Mrs. Ashwini to Bhuneshwar. I will never forget that expereince in my life. We had taken the children to have bath in the river. when we reached the river, Ashwini started giving them bath happily by putting soap on their body and pouring water over them as if they were her own children. I was moved by her gesture and I followed the same. Yes, I had a wonderful experience – Aruna naci.