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Cochin Community
You are invited to Cochin Community for : 1. Exhibition Cum Sale of Snehanilaym Workshop ( – 4 pm) 2. Sports Day celebrations at casino online Snehanilayam Special School ( – 3. Family Day celebrations ( 1pm – 4 pm)
East Timor

- Sr. Julie Muzhunguthara arrived safely to East Timor. She received a warm welcome from the community & the people. She informed us that she is very happy to be there.
News update for the month of October

Today- October 11th, We remember our beloved Sr. Maria Dolores Tena on her 2nd death Anniversary. We offered the Holy Eucharist for her at St. Joseph’s Church, Juhu at 6.45 a.m and thereafter all of us gathered together at her nitch and prayed for her. We are sure she is praying for all of us insisting Jesus to send His blessings upon us, as we are experiencing the fruit of her prayer everyday! Sr. Maria Dolores, We love you ! We miss you!
News Updates (August 2013)
Sr. Margaret Durom has taken charge as the Regional Superior of Indian Region on 15th August. Sr. Marina Kannikal as the Regional Secretary and Sr. Rozy D’Souza as Regional Bursar also has taken their charges on the same day. Fr. Errol Fernandez SJ celebrated the Eucharist with us on this auspicious day of the Region. We had a small cultural program in the evening to thank Sr. Aleena Rodrigues who has been guiding the Region for the past six years and also Sr. Asunta Nakade who was serving the Region as Regional Bursar for the past 16 years. We also welcomed the new Regional Team through this program.
Sr. Inmaculada Fukasawa appointed the new Regional Consulters. 1. Sr. Aleena Rodrigues 2. Sr. Bindu Michael 3. Sr. Lizzie Veluthedath 4. Sr. Marina Kannikal lDear Sisters, Hearty Congratulations & All the Best !
May the good Lord lead you by showering His graces & the Spirit upon you each and every moment !
News Updates (July 2013)
Sr. Teresa Vilanova left for Spain on 22nd
July 2013 after many years of Missionary work in India.
Sr. Margaret Durom took charge as the Superior of Mumbai Community on 26th July on
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the Feast of St. Joaquim & Anna.
The Mumbai community welcomed Sr. Margaret Durom and thanked Sr. Janet Andrade for her 4 years of selfless service as the Superior of Mumbai. Sr. Janet Andrade left for Roha on 27th July 2013.
The new appointments
The new appointments:
1. At Regional Level Regional Superior : Sr. Margaret Durom Regional Secretary : Sr. Marina Kannikkal Regional Treasurer : Sr. Rozy D”Souza Junior Mistress : Sr. Margaret Durom
2. Superiors of different Communities : Mumbai: Sr. Margaret Durom Kochi: Sr. Pearly Chettiveetil Roha: Sr. Janet Andrade Pune: Sr. Aleena Rodrigues Vypin Sr. Lizzie Veluthedath
3. Other Appointments: Sr. Jackline Ghonsalves is transfered to Pune community Sr. Julie Muzhangunthara will be going to East Timor. Sr. Regeena online slots Earathara will be doing a Formators” Course in Mysore. Sr. Carmelita Norohna started her Apostolic Experience in the Vypin Community Latest News: Sr. Margret Durom has arrived the Regional House after working for 11 years outside India. She will be taking charge as the Regional Superior on 15th August.