Author: Bindu Michael

Do not be afraid! LOOK IN TO HIS EYES!

dixyLiving of consecration is a  challenge, but totally the GRACE of my LOVING GOD and at the same time my loving surrender to His passionate love! It is totally a FREE GIFT of God in unconditional LOVE, yet a whole hearted receiving of this beautiful, fragile gift. The time when I am in front of the Blessed Sacrament wholeheartedly; the time I lived in the presence of our founder sisters of India; the time of my Tertainship where I experienced the universal sisterhood of my vocation; the silent, tender yet strong transmittance of peace of Sr. Inmaculada in the midst of all busy schedule; the opportunity to visit St. Raphaela Mary’s living memories at her place and in Rome .

The two year period after my junior ate where I was a class teacher of special children at Dilkhush. It was a time of experiencing the great love through the love of His “little ones” it was a time where I learned to touch their lives and allowing them to touch me with their small actions of great love. You have touched me and I have grown – our Logo is a meaningful experience of that period.

Receive the gift wholeheartedly when He gives His passionate love for you. Hold His hands and walk with Him alone as He is faithful one in our infidelities. He will lead you to the promise land through the “RED SEA” as well as the desert experience? Do not be afraid. LOOK IN TO HIS EYES!

Happy Birthday Sr.Dixy ( 25th May)

“I have come that they may have life to the full”…

kochuWhen I reflect on vocation story as a Handmaid, I feel great joy with the experience of being enveloped by Jesus in the Eucharist with his unconditional love for me. This was visibly experienced in my first communion and confirmation.

I remember that in my teenage hood, during the family rosary, I could not utter words, as I use to get lost in gazing the picture of Sacred heart which was placed at the center of our prayer room. I used to feel that I am embraced by His look and it was there He captured me to be His own. I was also very much touched with my mother’s large heartedness towards the poor by helping the needy and homeless and seeing them as one of us.

As the search was growing in me some of the Handmaids visited my home. Their overnight presence confirmed my vocation as a Handmaid. There was an incident which confirmed it ‘i.e.’ during the supper, the electricity went off and I appeared in the midst of the sisters with a candle light and I could hear the sisters altogether telling in one voice: “Here comes the light of the world” – I was very much touched by their joy, simplicity and their being with us as one among us. This helped my connectedness with the handmaids to grow deeper and went for a “come and see program” very often. There too I was very much attracted by the Eucharistic life and community life.  In short, “I went, saw and was captured by the Lord”.

My family was not convinced about me being a handmaid and send me to a local congregation for a month’s experience where I could not even stay for a week as I was already decided and convinced my call as a Handmaid.

During these past experiences of my life I am most touched by the life in Roha, where I see it as my first home, where I was called to commit myself to the poorest of the poor and marginalized; where I experienced and lived my vision and mission to the full. “I have come that they may have life to the full.   (Sr.Kochuthresia Konath.aci)kochu 1

Happy Birthday Sr.Kochu ( 5th May)






Fixing my gaze up on Him …!

pearlyAs I write this experience my heart is full of joy and gratitude to the Lord who called me to be a Handmaid of His Heart. It was my great desire from my childhood to be a consecrated person- to belong totally to God. The seed of my vocation is sowed very well in me from my family. What attracted me to be a consecrated person were the Eucharistic adoration and my special devotion for mission Sunday. The Gospel passage which we hear on every mission Sunday explains my special devotion to it: “The Harvest is plenty but the laborers are few so pray to the Lord of harvest to send more laborers to the harvest”. These words very much inspired me. When I used to attend the adorations on Maundy Thursdays there was something that was stirring deep within me. The question of Jesus in Gethsemane towards His own disciples disturbed me.  “Can’t you not wait with me for an hour?” were the words that found its way right in to my heart and helped me to respond to His call.

I can say that being a Handmaid of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, is a wonderful gift. As Handmaids we have Eucharist as the center of our lives, and I feel He called me to the right place and I really feel that I had found the great treasure in my life which is “the Eucharist”. It gives me a lot of consolation and strength.

When I look back at the past 26 years of my consecrated life I believe that “it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me”.  The Eucharist is the place of my refuge and source of my strength and it gives the courage to live every day in the community and in its mission with grace. I am aware that I have my human limitations but I trust in the one who has called me and made me His own and that He leads me on in His path accompanying me in each and every steps of my life.  I know that personally I still need to grow in various aspects of my life; however I believe and experience God’s greatness and my littleness in my life.

I desire to be His reparative presence wherever I am. To be a person who is joyful, forgiving, compassionate and the one who build the communion wherever I am and with whomever I live. I am aware that I can achieve this only if I fix my gaze on Jesus. As a consecrated person I feel the call to follow Him more closely and I seek to be completely identified with Him –even to the extend to become the bread which is broken and the wine that is offered for the redemption of the world. I desire to surrender myself to Him as the Handmaid of His heart in order to break myself each day for the community and the mission that is being entrusted to me. I look at Mary our mother and St. Raphaela as my models who will help me follow Him in the ways that he leads me in the daily rhythm of my life. Here I am …the Handmaid of the Lord!pearly 1

Happy Birthday  Sr. Pearly (on 14th April!!! )



The three events in the St. Raphaela Mary’s Novitiate House – Mangaluru

   n 1 On the 14th of April it was a great day in the history of the Region of India.  A long awaited dream of having a house in Mangaluru, of the state of Karnataka came true. After putting many heads and hands together with the support of the congregation and by the Grace of God the new novitiate house was erected and was inaugurated. 14th April is a significant day for us as handmaids as it was the foundation day…. We have been praying to the Lord through the intercession of Mother Pillar and we felt that all things went on well through her intercession. The house was blessed and Inaugurated on the 14th of April 2016 by Bishop Aloysius Paul D’souza, the bishop of Mangaluru. Sr. Margaret our Regional Superior cut the ribbon and the doors of the house were opened, the house was filled with Handmaids, other religious, priest and all the friends and well-wishers. Along with the Bishop there were four other priest to celebrate the Eucharistic celebration. The mass was in local language that is Konkani apart from that Bishop also spoke few things in English. According the rubrics and ritual the house, alter, crucifix, tabernacle was blesses.n2

 A short program was conducted to felicitate the dignitaries. On behalf of the Handmaids Sr. Monti Rodrigues welcomed the people and introduced the Handmaids life and mission.

  Important personalities like our Bishop, the parish priest Fr. Gregory Vas, Sr. Margaret, the builder Mr. Roy Castilino, the architect Mr. Christopher Norona, Mr. Ronny Montero who showed us the land and was dealt with the land papers and who was a constant support all through were felicitated A memento from the congregation was given to the builder and the architect.

Bishop spoke a few words and in his speech he expressed his joy of having another congregation in his diocese and inaugurating a novitiate house for the first time in his twenty years as a Bishop. He spoke lot of words of encouragement and support as well as asked the sister to pray for his intentions and for the intentions of the diocese. Sr. Margaret gave the vote of thanks which was specific and deep expressing her gratitude to all who have been part and parcel in building this Novitiate house. The house was named as St. Raphaela Mary’s Novitiate house. As a sign of gratitude and togetherness to we had the fellowship meal.

n3On the 18th of May we celebrated the feast of St.Raphaela Mary. On that day in the morning n4we had together adoration conducted by Sr. Suvarna and during that adoration the four postulants, Margaret, Stella, Ayana and Ashana started their novitiate. The theme was “Draw me into your friendship” with a symbol of the different stages of butterfly where novitiate is stresses as a time of silence, prayer and reflection. They had chosen different symbols which represent their life in the novitiate. At the end of the prayer Sr. Margaret gave them the chain with the embalm.

In the evening we had the first profession our novices Aruna and Rima. They chose the theme “You are precious to me”. The Eucharistic celebration was at 5.30pm. The main celebrant was Fr. Gregory Vas our parish priest and Fr.Botham OFM Rima’s cousin con celebrated the mass and preached the sermon.

n6 It was nice and cordial celebration; both the family members and parents of Srs. Aruna and Rima were present. The liturgy was a mixture of three languages, Hindi, English and Marati. The presence of many Handmaids added flavor to the celebration. A few close friends too were invited.

When Srs. Aruna and Rima professed their vows and gave vote of thanks both of the family members and parents were very emotional, in fact it was a touching ceremony and for those of who had attended for the first time especially our close friends and neighbors appreciated by saying it was very inspiring and worth attending. After the mass we had a prayer dance y our Novice Ashna and the newly professed cut the cake and all of us wished them. Cake and drinks were served and after that we had a fellowship meal.n5


“Here I am Lord… surrendered… committed… to love and to serve”!

Picture1Out of the darkness Oh Lord, you called me -to live my life as a Handmaid of your Heart. Here I am Lord… your Handmaid… surrendered… committed… to love and to serve.

My life journey as a Handmaid of the sacred Heart of Jesus is fulfilling, joyous and fruitful. It is 30 years since I said “Yes” to the Lord. Ever since the Lord has been at my side, both in good times and in not so good times. He has been my strength, my fortress and my stronghold. Walking with Him has been a challenging, yet strengthening experience of growth. Most of my life was spent being with the special children. They taught me the great lessons of life. The first lesson was to accept myself with my strength and weakness. They also taught me to care for others, to do everything possible to make others happy and above all to forgive and to reconcile. Relating with them has transformed me from within. I thank the Lord for this opportunity, where I learned to give love and to receive love.

My consecrated life has been a free gift from God. Perseverance till today is a grace. It is the Eucharistic presence of Jesus that sustained me through ups and downs. At all times I was strongly convinced of God’s personal choice for me.

The happiest and significant event in my life was my first vows. The day I consecrated myself to God totally and promised Him to live chaste, poor and obedient.

To be a Handmaid of His heart is a unique experience. It demands detachment, self sacrifice; surrender above all availability to God’s plan in my life. This in turn gives me great joy and fulfillment in my life.

Sr.Marina Kanikal AciPicture2 

Happy Birthday Sr.Marina!!!


Our Experience at Dilkush Special school – Orients from St.Pius seminary.

  IMG-20160314-WA0000 “Children are a blessing from God and with these blessings also come responsibilities, as stewards of God’s children; parents are responsible for helping children grow physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. However the Church has a responsibility toward children, too. They want to provide an environment in which children feel safe, are taught at an age-appropriate level, and are encouraged to develop their skills. Dilkush School is one such school that the Orients (First year seminarians were sent to for their ministry) this school is run by the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, fondly known as the Dilkush Sisters.

Our experience of service at this school has been tremendously helpful in shaping our vocation. We experienced that the Sisters along with the teaching and non teaching staff minister to the needs of the special children. The need for these schools is evident through which many young special children can reach adulthood and become more independent in small things and do their daily chores. After my ministry here I can proudly say that if these kids have hope and a healthy future, the credit goes entirely to the Dilkush Sisters and the staff who are all well trained.  There is active planning and the kids here have a great opportunity to learn through activities and music and the ambience is very comfortable and homely. The children here feel so loved that it makes it easier for them to speak, the confidence allows them to be more expressive and conversational and it also enhances their ability to listen and make new friends.

The school has a well-planned and structured workshop where the school places its greatest emphasis on leading children to become self independent and earn a living. This is accomplished by them being trained in wood work etc.

In short I loved my ministry here at Dilkush because of the following:-

  • The friendly staff.
  • The staff is eager to help parents and outsiders to appreciate their children instead of their disability or reduced mobility.
  • The staff is interested in humanity and over all behavior of the children .
  • The Sisters are always willing to upgrade the skills of the staff about child development and to be sure the staff is relating to the children in an age-appropriate manner.
  • They have very well organized programs and activities.
  • Aware of safety concerns and security of the KidsIMG-20160417-WA0009


Br. Troy Monteiro, St.Pius Seminary, Goregaon.

Dilkhush TTC – D.Ed in special Education (MR)

pics web2NOTICE

Admissions open for

D.Ed. Special Education (M.R)


Dilkhush Teachers’ Training Centre

Juhu Tara Rd, Juhu, Mumbai 400 049

Job oriented course to prepare

Special Educators, Remedial Teachers & Primary Teachers

Recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) Delhi.

Two year full time course.

Qualification Required: HSC (50% marks)

Application forms are available at Dilkhush T.T.C till 31st May 2016

Application form fee – Rs.300/-

For further details contact – 022 26188688/ 022 26151304


Email Id: [email protected]


Important Dates and Details of the Course

  • The Diploma in Education Special Education (Mental retardation) course is a 2 year full time course from July 2016 to April 2018.
  • Eligibility criteria as per the regulations of the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) are successful completion of the 10 + 2 examination with 50% marks. Minimum age for admission is 18 years. The intake of the course is 25 seats, with 3 seats reserved for SC candidates, 2 for ST candidates and 1 for persons with disability as per the Persons with Disability Act of 1995.
  •  Application forms will be available from the 1st May to the 31st of May, 2016.
  • Office timings are 9.30am – 12.30pm (Mon-Fri). Candidates are expected to pay a sum of Rs.300 for the application form and prospectus.
  •  Submission of the application form can be done in the above mentioned time period along with the photocopy of educational qualification documents and any other relevant documents
  •  Selection for the course will be done as per the norms of the RCI, which will be determined at a later time.
  •  The Written Test which will be conducted on the 6th of June, 2016. Based on the scores obtained in the test, the candidates will be shortlisted and called for an Interview on the 13th of June 2015.
  •  The final list of Selected Candidates will be displayed on the 17th of June, 2016.
  •  The selected candidates will be expected to carry their original educational qualification documents for verification and pay their fees between the 20th and 30th of June 2016.
  •  The tuition fee for the course is 35000 per year. Internal fees of Rs.2000 will be charged.
  •  Classes will begin from 1st of July, 2016.



“Here I am Lord” – Perpetual Profession of Sr.Dorethy Dabre

IMG_1447“God’s mercy can make even the driest land become a garden, can restore life to dry bones (cf. Ez 37:1-14). … Let us be renewed by God’s mercy, let us be loved by Jesus, let us enable the power of his love to transform our lives too; and let us become agents of this mercy, channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish” –  Pope Francis.

The Chruch Celebrated the feast of the Divine Mercy on the 3rd April, 2016. It was very joyful day for us Handmaids  as Sr.Dorethy Dabre made her perpetual profession. We, the Handmaids of the Region of India joined in her joy and committment at the Eucharistic  celebration which took place in her own Parish – Holy Family Church, Bhuigaon of Vasai Diocese.  She chose the theme, ” Here I am Lord”  which resonated well with the words of Mary, the first Handmaid  by making herself totally available to the Will of God.  IMG_1465

IMG_1521Fr.Robert Dsouza, the director of pastoral  centre of Vasai Diocese was the main celebrant and there were 7 other priests concelebrated the Eucharist. There were many parishners,  aci family members and her friends to witness her Yes!

After the Eucharistic celebration, there was a small felicitation and  cutting of the cake followed by fellowship meal.

Let us all be united with Sr.Dorethy Dabre in thanking and praising God for all the wonders God has done for her and pray that the Almighty may shower His abundant blessings upon her to become a great missionary of mercy.  IMG_1477IMG_1568IMG_1581IMG_1593IMG_1617IMG_1667

Lord you have seduced me ….

suvarnaAs a Handmaid for last 15 years I can say that we are living in a time of epochal change and there for, of profound transformation not only in the socio- economic and political fields, but also in the cultural and religious context. The distinguishing characteristic of consecrated life is the exclusive commitment to the God quest. Religious are not called to live differently in this world, which all Christians must do but to create a different world which will offer a prophetic witness to- and sometimes against the values of – this world. This I can say with conviction and to share my own experience as a consecrated person I can say it began long back I can’t even trace out exactly. It all began as a dialogue with God and who was this God for me?  It was Jesus who was introduced to me through the devotion of Sacred Heart by my mother. I fell in love with this person of Jesus whom I contemplated most of the time as a young girl and it is with Him I wanted to spend whole of my life. I was not much interested in doing because I believed in being , so I wanted to be with the Lord the rest of my life and from there to do whatever He ask of me.

During my formation the different formators made me to realize the goal and purpose of my life and that helped me to deepen my thirst for God who is the soul master of my life. As I grew in the religious atmosphere my passion for Christ and for His mission grew.  I was content with the charism of Handmaids especially with the Eucharistic adoration where I could adore the Lord face to face. This Eucharistic adoration strengthened me to go forward in spite of any barriers. Each day the joy and enthusiasm increased and it was not that important for me what I was doing but the being gave me more inner strength to continue my journey.

I always saw my consecrated life as a pilgrimage where I am passing only once in life time and am called to do good, called to bring life. My prayer life helped me to build an intimate relationship with God and that became my boost to do any type of work that was entrusted to me with full zeal because I felt that is what the Lord was asking of me. There were also difficult moments where I struggled yet I never thought of breaking my journey and take another direction because in this process of my journey I have experienced God as a friend and as a soul mate, who is constantly there with me walking and guiding, protecting and caring. On this course of action I have realized that the supreme power comes from God and not from me. This many years of religious life has helped me to discover the strength of God’s love in my life.

  1. C. Benson says “As I make my slow pilgrimage through the world, a certain sense of beautiful mystery seems to gather and grow” I see my growth and my transformation. I believe that it is an ongoing process. I have learned to accept Gods will for me and my own vulnerability. I am strongly convinced that God never deserts me, I am proud to be a unique human being created in the image and likeness of God. I want to embrace my past with gratitude and walk towards the future with hope in the one who created and chose me. I embrace the present moment with the experience of wholesome conscious living. I remain faithful to my sacred holy self as an integrated being enjoying a meaningful life. I know that the mighty grace of fortitude centers me, protects me and guides me in all my accomplishments.  I surrender to spirit and accept that I am an open channel for its whole expression. I want to be thankful for what I am, want to be creative and innovative. With the help of the lord I want to think differently and positively. And with prophet Jeremiah, it is good to confess and say: “Lord, you have seduced me, and I was seduced. You are stronger than I am and you have overpowered me” (Jer 20)

         Sr. Suvarna Aci

 Happy Birthday Sr. Suvarna!!!

suvarna 1


“His grace called me and still upholds me …

regeena“I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth. (Jer 1:6)” When I felt my vocation to be a Handmaid, I asked Jesus a similar question to that of Jeremiah. Am I mature enough to take a lifelong decision to be a Handmaid?  After three long years of prayer and discernment, at the age of twenty, when my parents started to look for a marriage proposal for me, I took a final decision, to join Handmaids. There I began my inner journey to find joy and fulfillment in my life. What attracted me most about the Handmaids was the adoration to the Blessed Sacrament. I was told by my formator, that our foundress St. Raphaela Mary used to say that   “For me adoring the Lord means He looks at me and I look at Him”. In the early years of my formation I did not know how to spent time in adoration that I began only looking at my first love- Jesus- in those silent hours   of adoration. It was my strength and this continued all throughout my last 25 years of religious life. The formation years were an inner journey to myself. In that journey, I discovered the depth of myself and also I was happy to explore to different languages and cultures.  Interpersonal relationships in the community and in the apostolate pointed out my strengths and weaknesses. This year being the year of the Consecrated, I complete 25 years of my joining to the Handmaids family. Though my life is a continuous search for fulfillment, today I can say that I am a happy and grateful Handmaid. When I look back to the years of my life as a Handmaid I can say like St. Paul- “God’s grace is sufficient for me”. I would like to narrate one of my experience in which I am confirmed the above words of St. Paul. Last year, it was few months after I joined in the school as a Counselor, I was sitting in my room, and it was about 10.30 am. Suddenly the Principal phoned me to say that there is an emergency and so I have to go to the office immediately.  When I entered the office, I saw a boy, aged 14, holding up his bleeding hand. The blood spread widely on his shirt and on the floor gave me a shiver on my knees. I was told that he cut his vein to end his life.  I found myself praying in my heart “Jesus I need your grace to deal with this situation”. It was my first such serious case that I have dealt with. I put my hands across his shoulder and I took him to my room and talked to him for a long time. I believe it was Jesus who gave me strength to give life to this boy. Before leaving my room, he promised me, that he will not do such actions anymore and he wants to live. After dealing with this boy I had to inform his mother who is a young widow. When I narrated to her what had happened to her son, she burst out weeping. It was very difficult to find the words to console her; it was only with the grace of Jesus I could help her out too.  It was really a challenging experience in which I encountered the powerful presence of Jesus in my life.  I believe that it was the grace of Jesus which called me to be His and still upholds me as His own. I thank Jesus for making me His instrument of life. I feel a sense of fulfillment and gratitude. I am deeply grateful to the Congregation who nurtured me all throughout these last 25 years of consecrated life as a Handmaid. I can tell my whole heart …”YOU HAVE TOUCHED ME AND I HAVE GROWN….”  Sr. Regeena Xavier aci.

reginaHappy Birthday Sr.Regeena !!!