“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations.”(Psalm 100)
It is with great joy and gratitude that we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the erection of the Region of India in all our communities of the Region on 6th October 2022. On the same day we celebrated the 54th anniversary of our foundation in India.

So with sentiments of gratitude, we remembered the commitment, hard work, and sacrifices of our beloved sisters Josefa Queralt, Catherine Hanley, Maria Dolores Tena, Celia Garcia, and all the former Regional Superiors; Srs. Josefina LLach, Audry Andrade, Aleena Rodrigues and Margaret Durom. We gave thanks to the Lord for all the benefits received in the Region.

We had planned a thanksgiving Eucharist and fellowship along with aci family, benefactors, collaborators, our staff, and students. Each community celebrated the day in a very unique way with a creative liturgy.

We were able to begin 2 new shoots on this auspicious day with the help of Proacis Foundation. In snehanilaym, Kochi we blessed and inaugurated Sneha Nursery as part of the new vocational unit for Adults with Special Needs.

In Vyppin, we blessed and inaugurated the new Physiotherapy Centre in the presence of the parish priest, neighbours and aci family. The parish Priest, some delegates from the political parties, and the Government officials etc felicitated the sisters for this new initiative in that area,

We bow our heads with humility for His faithfulness to each one of us in the Region. Yes! This is what our hearts and souls were singing aloud at the end of the day…
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.”
His mercies never come to an end.
Great is Your faithfulness, O Lord,
Great is your faithfulness.”